Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big Boy Toys

WASHINGTON - A missile launched from a Navy cruiser soared 130 miles above the Pacific and smashed a dying and potentially deadly U.S. spy satellite Wednesday, the Pentagon said.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about.


Chaotic Hammer said...

[Hearty grunt of approval]

majorsteve said...

Seth what happened to your post with the picture of the fat guy with the huge cross around his neck? I want to hear more about some pointless vignettes from your childhood.

Popcorn said...

Majorsteve thank goodness you saw it too. I thought I was losing it.

Seth Ward said...

Sorry, I rolled over and read it on my iphone and saw a few typos. I changed them and didn't enlarge the page, thus punching save as draft. Thanks for comment/emails. Hope you enjoy the magnificent specimen.