I've got this big dissertation to finish and I'm down to the wire. Yes, like most professional procrastinators I know my limits and how much work I can get done in any given time. Well, that limit has been reached and nearly breached. I've got one month to finish this massive orchestral work. Wish me luck.
I had written a big orchestra piece when we moved to NYC but after listening to it a few thousand times, I decided to chunk it. It was a hard decision but in the end I think it will be for the best. Composers usually have a big bag of tricks they draw from when under pressure and stressed about being evicted, and though they come in handy, I don't want my dissertation to be a bag of tricks. I wrote the previous dissertation while dealing with a crooked landlord and with dust falling on my computer from all the construction going on. A decent piece, but not good enough.
The finished work will preformed by the Rice Shepherd School of Music Orchestra and since they are one of the best Orchestras in the states... no sense in submitting a B average work. I mean, you don't buy a Ducati and drive it around the block!
So off I go for the next month or so, into the world of orchestral writing. I've already started and it is turning out to be a blast, as it should be.
Hope so see some of you in Houston soon!
"but after listening to it a few thousand times, I decided to chunk it."
You can pretend you are "New York", but that sentence proves you are all "Texas".
... and always will be.
"The eyes of Texas are upon you, till Gabriel blows his Horn..."
Will we be able to hear your chunked version? Or your new one as you're writing it? Or is this stuff all top secret until the first public playing?
Will there be a recording available of the orchestra playing it? I'd love to hear it. I know it's going to be awesome.
I can't wait!
C-ham, YES. It is top secret. ;-) No, I doubt I'll be showing the chunked piece. I'll probably do something with it sometime. There are good things there, just not good enough on the whole to warrant all that I've worked for in this program. Honestly, I didn't have a ton of fun writing it and it sounds like a mix between Copeland and John Adams...
As always, my friend, thanks for the encouragement though. After it is performed, (spring 09) I'l post it if people want to hear it!
Operamom, you'll get to hear it if you don't move to Springfield!
If it's going to be performed at the Shepherd School please let us know that date. I'd love to hear it. We often go to concerts there.
Will do Bill!
Doesn't that orchestra just kick butt?!!
Yes, they are awesome! Shepherd School of Music is the best deal in town for live classical music. My son plays clarinet and we like to hear the woodwind ensembles, too. You can't beat the price!!
I forgot to say: if you live in the Houston area, get on their mailing list at:
During the school year you'll get one or two e-mails a week giving you the schedule of upcoming concerts and recitals. Almost all the student and faculty performances are free. Parking is two or three bucks if you park right in front of the concert hall.
Wish I could be there to hear it. Best of luck!
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