Saturday, September 23, 2006

Springfield MO a.k.a. Mayberry

Sometimes we forget what it is like to live in a place where you don't need to lock your doors at night. Sometimes we find those places but they are isolated, rinky-dinky little towns in the middle of the Appalachian backwoods. Rarely does one find a place where you can do all of these things TOGETHER in one night: Go see a Broadway Musical, and I mean a REAL Broadway Musical. Drop by a Mom and Pop Italian restaurant after. Actually LIKE the food. On your way home, mosey by the local HUGE Barnes and Noble for some coffee and a good read. THEN get in your car, drive home, get out of the car, consider locking the door and think to yourself, "you know, there is nothing in this car that is valuable... nahhhh." You walk in the front door of your cozy home, close the door noticing that their are still bells from Christmas on the door. Walk into your room, crack open a window and hit the sack. You fall gently asleep to the sound of crickets outside and windchimes in the distance, even though you live in a populated suburb. You wake up the next morning and realize that you forgot to lock the front door. You say, "oh well," sip on your morning coffee and enjoy the non-mosquito-infested cool breeze floating into the opened window.

Springfield Missouri people. It is like the Truman Show minus the creepiness. Right outside of Branson, Missouri. Population 200,000. 12 Colleges. 1 billion Churches per square block. Headquarters of the Assemblies of God. Hometown of Brad Pitt... More importantly, the hometown of Yours Truly.


Chris said...

Wow, you sound a bit homesick. It's a pretty decent place to come from. I love the outdoor recreational stuff in the area. Great lakes, rivers, and camping.

Reijn of the Elfin Muse said...

sounds like Lubbock to me. I don't lock my car door, nor do i really lock the front door either when i come and go.

Branson Missouri said...

Interesting and true - more true about Branson recently the neighboring town of Hollister put out a press release telling citizens to lock their car doors cause someone was stealing from people...a given in most cities.