Friday, April 07, 2006

Hot Yoga and the Secret Plan to Rule the World

Well, I guess I will return to "Hot" Yoga tonight with my wife. It is called "hot" because, well they keep the room FRIGGIN' hot. Last time I went i thought I was going TO DIE. If you have not been to Yoga, or as i like to call it,-"torture," you are really missing out. You might be asking: " Seth, how can we be missing out if you are calling it torture" I'll tell you my fine readers. ... I Challenge you, heed these words.

Now, I am a man, and men have their pride. I went into a room with about 20 other women. Mind you, these women, with the exception of my fantastically beautiful wife, were not all models and hard bodies. After 5 minutes of stretching and laying down in room 107 degree I thought I was going to barf and collapse while all the other middle-aged women in there were just catching there stride. I was thinking to myself, "how can this be??" "I am not a complete lard-ass, I don't smoke (anymore) I am relatively thin, not to mention handsome in Apollonian proportions. (yeah right)."

I guess it all goes back to the dishwater-pain factor and the secret plot for women to rule the world. I'll explain. My mother could wash dishes with her bare hands in darn-near 400 degree water, turn around tell me to finish the dishes, I put my hand into the water wail a redirected curse word (i.e. shiiiiiiiiiifffft) quickly pull them out a to find that my hands had been reduced to a steaming skeleton. My eyes would race from the remnants of my hands to hers, looking for some sign of damage. For a few years after, I acutally suspected that my mother was a mutant of some sort. It still boggles the mind. Here is my conclusion. (darting my eyes back and forth, leaning in to whisper to you)


That's all there is to it. The garden of Eden, that whole, "oh the serpent deceived me business" that was all a big hoax. She used the devil. It is brilliant if you think about it. The majority of the blame went to the Lucifer and Adam. She KNEW that once Adam could notice her in the nude that the world would be hers FOREVER. It is not the Devil to which man relinquished his control. It was the woman. Yoga, well..., lets just call that booty camp for control. How much pain, can they endure while making themselves more beautiful. Only a powerful and brilliant being could come up with such a thing. Once again it boggles the mind.

So why do I return tonight? To spy, learn all I can, and then someday.... be able to.... throw my underwear anywhere I want when I take a shower. AHAHAHAAHHA!!!!! Its only a matter of time men, a matter of time. The return of the King will be soon, and when that day comes.... sorry gotta go, the wife needs me to run some errands... to be continued...


Anonymous said...

You go boy! Find that secret! Crack that code! I'll be supporting you from here... on the couch... Cheetos in hand... huffing and puffing from the strain of changing the channel... until I'm told to do what I'm supposed to... by my wife... ... ... ... *sigh*

Seth Ward said...

I failed miserably. Once they were on to me, they upped the level of intensity and i passed out. I woke up faintly hear an echo of "you didnt see anything..." and smelling chocolate and saying softly "mummy...."

Baca's Head said...

I head ya. Right now my girlfriend is doing her homework and I'm procrastinating, writing on your blog! But yes they tend to be stronger.

"YOu lived you died, your glorified!!!!!!!!!

FancyPants said...

Two things -
1) Smart to give the model exception to your wife

2) You will never triumph resulting in the allowance of underwear on the floor, or even hanging off the side of the hamper. (I mean, c'mon guys, just a wee bit further and you would have made it.)

Ineke said...

i have 2 boys and 1 little girl.
If the boys have a cut/see blood they hurl. Have no other way to say it. If she has, she asks for a bandaid and goes on with her life.
Needless to say, i absolutely agree with the general thoughts in this post.

FancyPants said...

Yes, dutchie, or...
Man has heartburn. Man consumes four zantac in one taking. Man still has heartburn. Man is unable to take out the trash or put his underwear in the hamper.

It all really goes back to where they want to put their underwear, doesn't it? Maybe it's a territorial thing, I don't know. If there's underwear around, they feel in control...hmmm....

FancyPants said...

I'm very sorry if I have embarrassed anyone with too many uses of the word "underw...."

Baca's Head said...

fannypants nothing say!!!!!!!!

Baca's Head said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Baca's Head said...

"started out with a prayer and a song....."!

Baca's Head said...

" in your hand..."

Seth Ward said...

Hey thanks! and thanks for stopping by!

I love exclamation points if you can't tell. Drop by anytime.
