In other news, it is been pretty chilly up here in the City but beautiful all the same. I am incredibly sleepy and it is time for bed.
I've pretty much been in the apartment for 6 days straight so tomorrow I think I might try to grab the wife and head to the Metropolitan Museum or something.
Oh, I read an article yesterday about how some people are thinking about begging Al Gore to run for president and then Gore could take Obama as his running mate. I don't know about you guys, but I just might be up for that! Al's been growing on me lately. But then again, me no political guru. Me watch T.V. and believe what I am told, like a good American.
What would you say to a Gore/Obama ticket?
While you ponder, I hope you enjoy the random comb-over photo.
Nice try at stirring up the old poo again Seth.
It may be the only way to avoid riots, but I seriously doubt the Gore/Obama ticket will become a reality. Don't underestimate the Sopran..er...the Clintons.
It would completely subvert the democratic process. Why bother having elections if the people at the top are just going to ignore the votes and pick someone they want? Nobody voted for Gore, but a lot of people voted for Obama and a lot of other people voted for Clinton.
Not everything that grows on you is healthy. Maybe spray it with Lotrimin?
Yes it would... but then again, wasn't the "democratic" process completely subverted back when Gore won the popular vote?
I say Gore/Obama baby!!!! Anything but Hillary... please Lord. Pleeeeeease Lord.
Let me stir the pot a little bit:
I'm for whomever will be easiest to beat in November. Probably Obama with his "hate America" preacher, church and wife. This hatred for America is very troubling to me and the vast majority of Americans. One reason it's so troubling is because it represents the bulk of liberal intellectual attitudes and "thought" in America today. They are so skeptical about everything our country does, yet they swallow whole the rancid tripe of dictators, tyrants, terrorists, despots and general secretaries all over the world. The substrate of their position seems to be that there is no such thing as good and evil ( and if there is, America certainly embodies the latter) and that Truth is relative and more or less in the eye of the beholder. It reminds me of the time I was asking directions from a dim witted young lady over the phone. I asked " is your office on the east side or the west side of the freeway". She replied "it depends on which way you're coming from". No, it doesn't. I just can't understand why those that are supposed to be the brightest in our society; our professors, our judges, our politicians, our students, our journalists; our artistic community, still insists that truth depends on which way you're coming from. No, it doesn't. But perhaps I'm just being a simple-minded, uneducated stump from east Texas when I say that America is Good; and that America has done more to ease suffering, preserve dignity, save lives, protect the innocent, deliver justice to the maleficent and liberate the oppressed than all the other nations in the history of the world combined. Obama does not believe this and he would not be good for this country.
No, Seth, because the popular vote is irrelevant to our presidential electoral process.
But in the primary process, the nominee is supposed to be the person with the most delegates. Whoever earns the most delegates via the electoral process should be the nominee. With the Democrats you also have superdelegates to consider, but even if they subvert the will of the people by making the second place finisher the nominee it is still legal. What's totally unacceptable is to place someone who didn't even compete before the people for their votes at the top of the organization.
Please...I'm not even going to dignify that Gore remark with a comment. (oh..I guess I just did.)
Cach, I was just yanking your chain about the popular vote. I voted Bush all the way back then... However, it did make me rethink the way that the whole thing is set up. (Even though I gloated to my buddies over my guy winning.) It was the first time that I really "felt" the fact that Amarca isn't a true democracy. I wonder if it isn't time to revamp the whole blasted thing. I mean, didn't the delegates sort of subvert the will of the people when they voted bush in and not Gore, according to the popular vote? Why not give it a go with Gore? Heeeey that sounds like a good T-shirt logo. Nah, it doesn't.
As far as Gore is concerned... these days, I have to say, he ain't looking so bad. I doubt I'm the only one who thinks so. I take a gander at both sides and I almost get sick to my stomach. McCain...? Clinton??? Obama Martin Bin Laden King Jr.??? uhhh. Anyone...? Anyone...??? Bueller???
Superchurch... muhahahahahahaha.
Majorsteve, "it depends on where you are coming from" Wow. I think I would have asked to speak with their mom or dad, or someone who made it past third grade.
What is it about McCain that you don't like? I know why I'm not all that enthusiastic about him, but what about you, why not McCain?
A few things I suppose. First would be the man's age. He is getting mighty close to the ole' drop off age. And the presidency has a STRONG track record of aging the man in office double-time. Even after the first year, the difference is crazy. So, I'm thinking he may be past his decision-making prime. That is no disrespect to elders, its just science. Regan was HURTING near the end. Most times he couldn't remember who he just talked about in a speech.
It's just the way of things. I think, as far as the stress of the office, and since most men usually kick it at about 70-75, I'd feel better if our president was in his mid to late-fifties. By that time he's aquired enough wisdom to govern with experience and perspective, and have enough biological time left to keep it.
A shallow reason, but a reason all the same. Second, I'm just not sure about his war policies. I'm not sure we shouldn't be devising, right now, an exit strategy... or something different altogether. The problem is this, as far as peace in the middle east goes: IT. WILL. NEVER. END.
Sooooo, either the world pitches in on the effort, or we stop shedding our boy's lives so we can get oil for cheap, while our own economy goes straight to hell. And why are we over there? I'm sorry, but it's oil. If it is for freedom and the tyranny of Saddam gassing his people... then why aren't we in Darfur? I used to think it was about 911, but it all got weird for me when I watched Saddam dangle from the rope and not Bin Laden...
The age thing might be a problem. Other than that fighting for OIL is a worthy cause. People say the word Oil as if it's a dirty word. Listen, the economic and physical stability and security of the entire world depends on a readily available supply of oil, besides, no one is stealing the oil. It just needs to be available for purchase and in sufficient quantities. Also, if oil was our only objective we could have bought most of it up by now with what we've spent on the war. So oil is a big part of the reason but it's not the only reason. And we didn't hang Sadaam, the Iraqis hung him If he'd been in our court system he'd probably be on probation right now. Let me refer you to this post about the relationship between cars, wars and acceptable number of casualties in all endeavors.
Yeah, I hear you. Great post. I most certainly do not consider myself an expert on the world political scene. There are just too many factors. It does seem high-time to get off the oil teat if it is the reason for so much bloodshed. I am glad to see alternative energy making a huge comeback.
I think we'll be a much happier country when someday we can all just point our little power-sucking gadget at the sun for an hour or two a day and get all the power we need to run our homes, cars and other things that need running.
The current American Diplomacy (Kissinger-style) is something that is just to huge to wrap my head around. I can't tell if its right or if its wrong. I do believe that America is good. I don't believe that it is evil. I'm just not sure about taking the "Roman's Road" to world democracy - Convert or be dominated. It's a little... like the Borg or something.
However, I'm always up for being further educated, so fire away.
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