The point is, I no longer need a belt. But who cares? Belts are overrated.
However, starting Friday, I will be going on a diet of Metamucil and bran. Not even raisin bran. Just bran. Maybe even some Amber tea. Basically things that will turn my intestines into the trombone section of Mahler's seventh symphony.
Hey, maybe I could slap a couple of scriptures on each daily dose and sell it to Christians. I could call the... Hallepoojah diet.
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night.
This morning I had an empty cup and Gerald was holding the orange juice. I said, "Please sir, may I have some more?" I didn't even look at this post yet.
Thats what I call brother-sister telepathy.
Amber tea! I love it. Has she read this yet? Oh my.
I can get you an appointment with Lifeway to get the Hallepoojah diet nationwide distribution.
crispy chicken burger in Burger King is the best dollar deal, ha, ha you will survive!!
Hey, there...
I will ignore the unappetizing references to bran and the digestive system for a moment.
You made reference to ma and pa Evans from Tulsa. I live in Tulsa, and I know some Evanses. I was wondering if they are the same. Mind revealing first names? You can email it to my profile email address if you don't want to reply online.
Just curious.
Hallepoojah diet
Yes, you made me laugh.
Mer, agreed. Tell that mean old man to give you some more.
C-ham, yup, and Amber Tea, it is now called.
Cach, please, please, please, please sell it. Make us rich. We could make a killing in the girls dorm at Baylor where they've already been on a variant of that diet forever.
Julio... if only I could eat that little bit of heaven without getting bigger than a house. I love that chicken sandwich.
Jeff, not at all. However, they've only been there for a few months. Still the same ones?
MB, I'm just going about the Lord's work.
Seth...nope. Wouldn't be the same Evanses. 'Nuff said. :)
Found you blog hopping...
Very funny stuff...
Sexy cow...that is just funny...
Here's to loosening our belts and enjoying life :)
The Egel Nest
Hi Bradley, thanks for the encouragement!
Here here!
Also, thanks for the link to that writer. I enjoyed that.
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