I have a theory. I don’t come up with conspiracy theories very often but when I do, they are usually dead on. Are you ready for this one? This will shake you to the very core of your soul. It will cause you to question everything you know about life and what you thought bound it all together.
I believe that George Lucas and Soul Singer Michael McDonald……
That’s right folks. You heard it here first. I always suspected this because there were reports of Lucas never being in the same place as McDonald or when there were Michael McDonald concerts scheduled Lucas would miss important screenings of his Star Wars movies. Even with all of this evidence I still remained a skeptic…until now.
I have ascertained a copy of the original cut from “The Empire Strikes Back.” Evidently George Lucas and Composer John Williams went round and round about “some music” that Lucas wanted in this scene and Williams didn’t. Williams apparantley threatened to go public with “some information” if Lucas did not back down from his request. Apparently, Williams won the argument and was afterwards scene driving a different sports car every other day for a year all with the license tag that said “GLISMYBCH”
No one has ever been able to decipher the code until now.
I will leave that to my readers as not offend any innocent eyes who are easily offended.
So here it is folks, you must watch all 2:30 to learn the truth. It may seem subtle to some but to me, it is apparent that these two men… well just watch and see. I warn you, I only offer the truth. Nothing else.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is great! I think it is an improvement! LOL
I'm laughing so hard!!! I just don't know why John Williams wouldn't go along with that.
Do you think George/Michael wanted to use "Taking it to the Streets" for the Imperial March? Thanks for the laugh!
I won't be able to watch Star Wars again without thinking of this.
George/Michael? Hey! George Michael might be in on this, too! Seth, did you happen to stumble upon any clips with "Gotta Have Faith" in it?
Although, he doesn't bare such a striking resemblance....
I get the feeling that you all think I am joking...
I am telling you... believe!!!!
The truth shall set you free.
It has all been a big lie. I hear there is a book coming out soon called the McLucas Code.
i must admit, i had no idea where you were going with that, and i was sceptical, but that is that best feeling when you errupt into uncontrolable laughter! excellent!
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