Saturday, March 04, 2006

What I Know, or think i Know; Part 1


Billions of years ago God made something out of nothing. That something was the first something that we know of that ever was. What we know about that something is very little. In that we know it was…well, very, very little. Smaller, in fact, than anything that has ever been or ever will be. In fact the first thing that God created was something so small and dense that if we were in the same room (unaffected of course, by its immense off-the- charts gravity) we wouldn’t have the faintest clue of its presence. Now scientists have a word for this something: singularity. But singularity to some is a pretty boring word and when people see a word like singularity an intensive urge to yawn comes over them. So, for the purpose of interest we are going to rename the singularity for now and call it speck. Now we don’t know why God created this speck, and we don’t know if before this speck there were other specks like it. But we do know that God created this something or speck out of nothing, because if we do know something about the universe or anything at all for that matter, it is that for something to happen, then something has to ‘happen’ it. In other words, if there is something, then there must have been nothing, and for there to have been nothing before there was something, there must have been a constant something else with no beginning and no end that was neither nothing or something, but simply was and is. This something else was and is God.

WHEW! Now that we have that straight. For some reason, this singularity or speck exploded. An explosion so incredible that the effects of which can barely be measured. For a birds-eye view of the effects, walk out on a clear night and look at the stars and know that we are drifting on a sprinkle of dust from that initial explosion. (That is not to say that we are insignificant, some of the finest and most complex things in the universe can fit in the palm of our hand.) We are, in fact, still expanding billions of years later, from that first massive cosmic bang that came from the tiniest of points. All that galactic glittering above you came from a point so small that you could fit it on the tip of a needle. As you stare into the immenseness of space and imagine that you are moving out and away from that initial explosion, consider that we are moving at the perfect speed that allows us to expand forever. Now, imagine all of stars and galaxies you are seeing, the air you breath, to the grass under your feet being sucked back into a single tiny hole. Kind of like a balloon deflating. Now you are back to the beginning.

So, to review. There is God, God created something, a singularity and that singularity exploded. After this explosion atoms and subatomic things started happening that scientists are still trying to contemplate. What was once thought of as a random chain of events that brought forth the ordered universe is now appearing to be a fine-tuned symphony with a trillion expositions and a trillion developments. None of these elemental happenings ever seem to be robotic and boring in there inception. All things come together into being in a original and fantastic way, from the very basic building blocks of matter, to cells, to the most vast spiral galaxy. All these elements took shape and started behaving as they would behave until the present time. The atoms in your finger are behaving the same way as they behaved when they were in the core of a giant star. Yes, everthing that you touch or feel was once made in a firey cauldron of a giant burnig star. More on that later. Where were we?

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