Thursday, March 30, 2006


Hello everyone!

The CD release was scrumtrelescent. (pretty dang awesome) We were joined by a bunch of good friends and amazing musicians on stage. Afterwards there was a little party for the patrons and it was hosted by the fabuloso Holtzman family (mainly by Stacey) That was more fun than the concert. barbecue....goood.

I cant tell you how much work goes into a concert when you don't have a crew it is a multimedia event (lights, video, sound-equip) but its pretty dang huge. Me and the band pretty much sweated (is that a word?) for about 4 hours straight, scarfed down a couple of oreos, a half a coke, burped, and walked on stage and commenced jamming. One of the songs we did was a song called Lucy. Its a little song about Charlie brown. i put a video to it came of very cool. Ill try to post it as soon as I figure out how the crap to do that.

We are talking to some booking agents and distributors right now so pray for us. We haven't tried any labels but we aren't in a big hurry for that move. Anywho, ill be taking a crash course in blog-be-better-looking this week so i can start putting some fun pics up.

Quote for the day: "There is no excellent beauty without some strangeness in proportion." - Bacon

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