Why are we so possessed by the urge to perform practically the miraculous to save a dying whale in a beached state and we are unwilling to consider the possibility of giving an unborn human being the chance at life. Why can I sit so quietly in my apartment, house or hotel, watch the news and see and know that somewhere on the earth children are dying but when I see a starving animal on the street I go buy dog-food and feed him. Why is the attention of compassion and dignity that I feel, fit for a dog and not for a man. Why is my heart broken when I see trees being cut down to make way for cattle grazing so that I can by a big-mac at a cheaper price, and I am not heart broken when a family is evicted from their homes because of a loss of a job.
Some of it has to do with the fact that it is too painful to bare. It is easier to draw our pale down into a well of compassion, which would be all we could have for a dying whale, then to face the ocean inside each of us that would quake and drown us if we were to begin to love our fellow man. Jesus taught us what would happen, if we love and embrace the suffering of others. We would weep. He felt the enormous pain of his friends at the loss of their brother, son, and friend. When one feels compassion on another, it is real. It is deep and it strikes us so powerfully that we either embrace it, or turn cold to it. Jesus knew more than anyone what this compassion and empathy felt like because he Loved the most. As a Christian the more we have Christ in us the more we will love. Different from the love of the world which can bring a feeling of despair and loss after it is given so freely, or in other cases one feels better about themselves and in some way, society is better of with them waving their flag of goodness. The Christian should give compassion and Love with out condition. Without our own expectations of what God’s favor upon us will be - as in lavishing us with more material wealth because we have given to Jesus when he was poor, or sick or in prison.
Through faith we can count on and Hope for a continuing river of Love that does not cease, where the more we give the more we receive and the more we receive the more we become like Him who saved us. This is what Jesus means when he describes the well springing up in us. And the more we become like him then the more we are face to face with God which is what we were made for. To see Him so clearly that sin is no longer possible, where we are once and for all truly free.
I have the upper hand
And always play the lose
My hands are miraculous but I am cripple
I cant sleep in my own skin
So I wrap my self in bandages and call them clothes
I walk upright when this world seems to be made
To make me crawl
I go mad when I laugh
This madness comes when I glimpse the face of God
A secret revealed, a mirror in a room dimly lit
Laughter brings my madness and I feel like I should
For a moment I taste the air of heaven’s table
A feast where joy is the embrace of each moment.
Time becomes a friend
He is welcomed, renamed, and becomes a quickly forgotten garment.
For now I hide with the mystery of shame in my breast
And I beat this earth with my feet and find no place
For my head or hands to rest while
I look for mirrors that see in part
And hope that someone
On some street corner will sip their cup
And show me the face of God
To embrace the madness again, the vision
Of a universe hidden from itself and me.